ElectronicsMicrocontrollersPythonSoftware DevelopmentTechnologyMicroPython ESP32 Covid Vaccination Counter with Dual OLED DisplayCas HoefmanJanuary 8, 2021
ElectronicsMicrocontrollersPythonTechnologyMeasuring Temperature and Humidity with a DHT22 on a Heltec LoRa 32 running MicroPythonCas HoefmanDecember 30, 2020
ElectronicsMicrocontrollersPythonTechnologyVisual Studio Code on macOS for MicroPython DevelopmentCas HoefmanDecember 29, 2020
Machine LearningMicrocontrollersPythonTechnologyHeltec Wifi Kit 32 with Bosch BME680 using MicropythonCas HoefmanDecember 23, 2020
ElectronicsMachine LearningMicrocontrollersPythonTechnologyResto Score for the Google Hack 2021 for Positivity HackathonCas HoefmanDecember 19, 2020
MicrocontrollersPythonTechnologyGuide to CircuitPython on Sony Spresense BoardCas HoefmanDecember 15, 2020
MicrocontrollersPythonTechnologySimplify and Accelerate your Sony Spresense IoT Projects with ZerynthCas HoefmanSeptember 20, 2019
MicrocontrollersPythonTechnologyThe Sony Spresense for Edge computing with low power consumptionCas HoefmanDecember 14, 2018