Sen. Doug Ericksen wants to bring back in-person voting!
As The Bellingham Herald reports, “State Sen. Doug Ericksen is preparing legislation to return Washington state to in-person voting, require voter ID at the polls and invalidate most absentee ballots that arrive by mail after Election Day.”
State Sen. Doug Ericksen claimed “disarray” in the voting process is behind his effort to end vote-by-mail in WA. As The Bellingham Herald reports, “Much of what Ericksen claimed was ‘disarray’ occurred in states whose Legislatures prevented them from processing ballots before Election Day, which is a time-consuming process. In Washington state, which has been voting mostly by mail for nearly two decades, ballots are processed as they arrive.”
To hear Ericksen tell it, vote-by-mail is a privilege, not a right. In his words, “Washington has gotten off lucky for a decade.” I am horrified to see a member of our own legislature echo the false voter fraud rhetoric of the loser in the White House. I am incensed by these efforts to disenfranchise millions of WA voters.
it is time to take a stance against this and if you agree I suggest you join the Washington Democrats in their efforts.